Fives rules of IM

Nicolas Nova posts a relevant musing on Instant Messaging:


Fives rules of IM:

Stowe Boyd sketched an interesting set of cardinal rules about IM uses:

The social aspects of real time life will swamp any specific technology’s impacts. I believe in tools, but effective application requires changes in behavior. For example, effective use of IM in groups means people must adopt the five cardinal rules of IM which I tend to agree with:

  • Turn on your IM client, and leave it on. (The Turn It On rule).
  • Change your IM state as your state changes. (The Coffee Break rule.)
  • It is not impolite to ping people. (The Knock-Knock rule.)
  • It is not impolite to ignore people. (The I’m Busy rule.)
  • Try IM first. (The IM First rule.)

Moreover, a good paper about it is The Character, Functions, and Styles of Instant Messaging in the Workplace By Ellen Isaacs, Alan Walendowski, Steve Whittaker, Diane J. Schiano & Candace Kamm:

Why do I blog this? IM in its various trademarked forms (MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, and beyond..) is one of the prototype forms of the exciting "presence awareness" idiom of social formation-making, IP network enhanced practices. The idea that you can raise a flag as to your current state of activity is compelling, although I must admit that sometimes seeing a chum’s AOL status as "Busy, please don’t interrupt" or likewise borders on a bit obsessive. If you’re really busy and can’t be interrupted, don’t crow about it, just go be busy. On the other hand, of course, I understand that impulse to be simultaneously in and out of the social cloud.

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