Hey, I got it! Let's make the band pay..

[wikilike_img src=http://static.flickr.com/6/85288756_32cd663939_d.jpg|align=thumb tcenter|width=500|url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/jodi/85288756/in/pool-53328547@N00|caption=thx jodi]

Just a short note on this whole ACM SIGCHI 2006 conference mishegoss. Anne Galloway brought this topic up in a recent blog post.

The fiscal conservative in me is glad I am not going, although the researcher and idea wrangler is terribly bummed. As Jofish Kaye, danah boyd and Paul Dourish have noted, the price to attend is positively bonkers. danah decided not to go. Paul has research funding that presumably covers the cost, although I’d guess he’s not too happy to have to a pay a fistful of scheckles more.

Anne is going to crash CHI, which is awesome, and reminded me of my own mortifying experience of having to crash the very Ubicomp workshop that I organized last year. That’s right. With no research funding, but plenty of hard work organizing a workshop, I was still expected to shell out close to $1,000 to attend the conference and hold the very workshhop I organized.

Whatever happened to sweat equity, anyway?

It’s like making the band pay to play their own concert, no?

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