
Last year, the best conference I attended was Lift06. There was a diversity of perspectives, attendees and topics that was pretty much inspirational. This year, Lift07 stands to be even better. Geneva, February 7-9. If you can be there, I highly recommend it!

The Lift blog follows the build-up to the conference.

Join us this February to hear talks about the Web (Stephanie Hannon of Google, Pierre Chappaz, Sampo Karjalainen of Habbo Hotel, Lee Bryant, Colin Henderson or Daniel Kaplan), ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things (Adam Greenfield, Anne Galloway, Daniela Cerqui, Julian Bleecker, Frédéric Kaplan), mobile technologies (Nathan Eagle, Jan Chipchase), interactive arts and design (Jan-Christoph Zoels, Régine Débatty, Christophe Guignard), entrepreneurship (Bernino Lind), Fair Economy (Paola Ghillani), Ethics (Beth Krasna), and many more topics like education, religion, the digital divide or technological overload.

Registration is available here.