The Week Ending Today 251209

Naturally, it was a holiday week so not all that much was going on, except that there was of course plenty going on. As pertains the Laboratory, we’ve been fussing around with various tool chains for doing matchmoving animations, perhaps something useful for performing designed fictions to explore and experiment with new ideas. Most recently, it’s been Syntheyes and Maya. Bit of a muddle — it’s a bit more involved than I had initially hoped, especially for hand-held camera work, but even so for tripod moves.


We’ll figure it out. One thing learned is the importance of perspective revealed in the shot. In fact, perhaps it is more important to have movement than not, I think.

Holiday Reading Stack

On other fronts, these books were piled up as the reading list for the coming weeks. Probably no hope of truly finishing these — but we aspire.

One thought on “The Week Ending Today 251209”

  1. goffman and hutchins. very tasty. haven't read the rest. do you recommend or are they still awaiting your time?

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