Recurring dream, recurring flops

James, at Crap Futures, blogged last week this intriguing diagram: 


Of course one can always argue about modifications and missing connections, it somehow gives a pretty good outline of "the journey of a technology." When observing it  the other day, I quickly realized it should be less of an arrow, and more of a cycle... considering that it takes many (failed) products to have a technology reaching a sort of maturity (and then obsolescence). But the red "recurring dream" part plays that role in the diagram; I can't help thinking about technological flops that belonged to this category (humanoid robots, smart homes, monorails, VR/AR headsets, etc.) How can we revisit the evolution of <technology> based on this?

Given that the crap futures blog insists on deconstructing smartness, I can imagine that the diagram can be helpful to map the various parameters around which the notion of networked/smart/connected/automated objects are built. Also, this diagram is relevant because it can help to generate (micro-)briefs. Say, you want to work on *teh smart home of teh future*, it would be intriguing to design several versions: the cheap one, the functional one. Alternatively, one can also think about the ingredients to design such technology: what if the smart home of the future was designed sans consideration for science-fiction (you remove that bit from the diagram) and an important emphasis on the sublime/spectacle? What would be the result (beyond an episode of The Simpsons)?

Weekly digital lexicon #3

Maskenfreiheit (seen here) : German term that indicates the liberty that comes from wearing a mask... and metaphorically to stay anonymous, or to partly hide one's identity in public sphere.

1701 : an adjective sometimes employed to express the "futuristic" character of an object/situation; comes from the name of Star Trek's vessel The Enterprise (NCC-1701).

Auto erect : an expression which refers to the sexual connotation implied by texts/SMS/messages transformed by the auto-correct feature.

Brouteurs : an idiom used in Côte d'Ivoire to designate people committing internet frauds (seen in a text by N’Guessan Julien Atchoua found in "Quand l’Afrique réinvente la téléphonie mobile")

MTurk Research : scientific research projects that employ crowdsourcing platforms such as Mechanical Turk, Rapidworkers, etc. (seen in this article).

Weekly digital lexicon #2

Zykluserkennungssoftware, die: German word "drive cycle recognition" software, a term used in a comment seen on Spiegel Online... that refers to software used to pass pollution tests (🚗💨)… modified by VW (so that they work only during tests).

AI trainer : a new job profile that consists in supervising/train computer programs: "A team of 'AI trainers' works with the program, and if there’s a request that M doesn’t understand the trainers take over. M then learns from what the human trainer does, and can use that technique with later requests." (seen here, thanks Fabien Girardin)

Plogging : the transposition of the (we)blogging logic to social networking platforms such as Facebook or Twitter (which may allow longer posts), seen in this article (merci Virginie Bejot)

开挂 (abbreviation of 开外挂 "kai1 gua4") : a Chinese term used to express disbelief or that something has been enhance/forged (e.g. a Photoshopped image), and which originally refers to "the act of running an illegal plug-in on a game, either for practical usability purposes (translating an interface into Chinese) or to cheat (faking in-game presence to accumulate more virtual currency, or even packet modification to make a character move faster in an online game)" (Source: BoingBoing)

Weekly lexicon

(I use to run a daily idiom thing on twitter few years ago, never had the time to continue, but I guess a weekly lexicon is easier to maintain)

Speakularity (spotted on Nautilus) : a word proposed by journalist Matt Thompson and that corresponds to the transition between a society in which "the default expectation for recorded speech will be that it’s searchable and readable, nearly in the instant." (while the default nowadays is that it's not)

Sega-core (found in Killscreen) : sub-genre of chiptune music, produced by machines with 16-bits processors (Sega Genesis in particular)

Stratocaching : evolution of geoaching (a game in which participants use a GPS receiver or mobile device to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches) with flying objects (balloons, flying capsules, etc.) dropped to earth from the sky.

Fork bomb (also called rabbit virus, or wabbit) : a denial-of-service attack wherein a process continually replicates itself to deplete available system resources, causing resource starvation and slowing or crashing the system. 

“Pixeliose” a disease resulting in partial pixelation of the field of vision

An interesting Swiss film displayed at “Cinéma tous écran” (a local festival in Geneva): Pixeliose by Romain Graf.

The story goes like this:

Adrien suffers pixeliose, an unknown disease resulting in partial pixelation of his field of vision. To cure this disease, he goes to a woman, Dr. Rittenmatter, ophthalmologist. This consultation gives no result, but they feel surprisingly close and decide to meet for a swim.

Adrien is traumatized by the death of hundreds of people who jumped from the towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 in New York City.

His illness can’t be treated, it does not exist. However, Dr. Rittenmatter believed him and understood what he feels, which matters more than any other medical treatment.

Why do I blog this? It’s intriguing to see how a sort of New Aesthetic McGuffin (in the form of a disease) is used to create a plot here. Aside from this, and the pleasant viewing of the film, the use of ophtalmologic devices is also curious to create a specific atmosphere. Definitely something to use in design fiction workshops.

“I’ve been playing the same game of Civilization II for 10 years”

The other day, in a conference about video-games I co-organized in Lausanne, I instagramed this presentation by Brice Roy in which the game designer mentioned a game that can only be completed in 250 years. One of my contact (@carinaow) wondered about the very fact that “it’s longer than a lifetime” and that “nobody can vouch for it”. Sure, that’s quite big amount of time but the point of the game is to question the notion of trans-generational play.

250 years is certainly very long, especially for a digital program to continue its life on different generations of devices. However, this notion of “long play” is interesting as it’s close to another weak signal that caught my attention: the story of this guy who has been playing Civilization for ten years.

The guy said he grew fascinated with this particular game and that we wanted to see how far into the future he could get and what sort of ramifications he could encounter. Here are some excerpts of what he learnt doing this:

The world is a hellish nightmare of suffering and devastation.
The ice caps have melted over 20 times (somehow) due primarily to the many nuclear wars. As a result, every inch of land in the world that isn’t a mountain is inundated swamp land, useless to farming. Most of which is irradiated anyway.

As a result, big cities are a thing of the distant past. Roughly 90% of the worlds population (at it’s peak 2000 years ago) has died either from nuclear annihilation or famine caused by the global warming that has left absolutely zero arable land to farm. Engineers (late game worker units) are always busy continuously building roads so that new armies can reach the front lines. Roads that are destroyed the very next turn when the enemy goes. So there isn’t any time to clear swamps or clean up the nuclear fallout.
You’ve heard of the 100 year war? Try the 1700 year war (…) Every time a cease fire is signed, the Vikings will surprise attack me or the Americans the very next turn, often with nuclear weapons. Even when the U.N forces a peace treaty. So I can only assume that peace will come only when they’re wiped out.

Why do I blog this? These kinds of accounts of long-time play are so scarce that it’s great to find one of them. It would be so fascinating to watch a replay and see how a narrative of such play could be inscribed in book or movie, surely an intriguing project to be done.

Post-it et street marketing

Découvert aujourd’hui à Genève : des post its “tout ce que je cherchais” et “” collés sur le maximum d’autres affiches de spectacle : un teaser de sony pour des produits de mp3 downloads…

bientot du street marketing avec des pins collés dans le q de bitchs…

n’importe quoi

A propos de Kouchner

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE

J’aime pas forcément le gars Kouchner car trop bobo, gauche caviar et goss-bo avec sa grosse villa en corse mais je dois avouer que ses positions (pro intervention en Irak, sur les effets de la canicule…) ne sont pas denuées d’intérêts:
“cette société où on se tourne vers le gouvernement quand il fait chaud ou quand il fait froid”. “Oui, il y a des étés de canicule, avait-il dit ; c’est dangereux pour les personnes âgées, c’est vrai nous le savons depuis longtemps. Si on pense que le gouvernement va changer la nature des choses et la température, on se trompe. Ou alors il faut réfléchir à ce que ça coûte tout ça”.
ou Tout en saluant le “formidable succès” du rassemblement et en affirmant “adhérer au combat” de José Bové sur la faim dans le monde, il assortissait son propos d’une vive attaque : “Croire que c’est l’OMC, l’Organisation mondiale du commerce qui est la cause de tout ça, c’est non seulement démagogique, mais c’est faux, c’est mensonger”. “Il y a des dérives qui sont des dérives populistes, poujadistes, dangereuses”

Bien sur ca fait pas plaisir aux autres socialistes qui se complaisent dans la nullité et la bêtise de l’opposition conne et rigide. Michel Rocard pete aussi a table avec sa position sur les retraites.