An Internet of Things

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This is the report that folks have been chit-chatting about for a week or so now. The Internet of Things. I’d love to find out more about this. It resonates with the spime and blogject research vectors. It’s 100 Swiss Francs — about $78 US. See, here’s something I would use the kind of start-up research funds a university normally gives its new assistant professors. If it’s part of the research I was hired to conduct, why should I pay for it out of my own pocket, especially with a thinly lined pocket?

Why do I blog this? I think an internet of things is an important research topic. I don’t think it’s all good and glamorous and a reason to dump lots of ill-considered VC into a Web3.0 hype-mobile. But, the idea of projecting internets into the physical world is deliciously compelling. I also blog this to vent my frustration at being in the second year of a tenure track appointment with no research start-up support, which, for those outside acadamia, is the equivalent of getting a job without a desk, computer, office chair, or desk phone. <!–Oh, and you have to travel, but pay for it yourself. And then you get told that if you want those things, you have to close a few deals. And if there's a report that was just released — like, a Gartner report or something, or, say, an ITU report that your colleagues are on top of and that would help you do your job better, learn to be content without such things.–>