Pure private discussion (sorry it’s for my personal board 🙂
‘k en attendant je lis pas mal de choses pour cette satanee literature review, et je cherche toujours une question de recherche (c rude)
The big dog appears, gently grabs your message and heads for Kaspar
Kaspar [at Card Guppies!] tells his big dog to head for your place. [11:44:21]
He pages, “pff surtout une bonne question de recherche ouais”
‘k ouais surtout
The big dog appears, gently grabs your message and heads for Kaspar
Kaspar [at Card Guppies!] tells his big dog to head for your place. [11:44:40]
He pages, “puis savoir dans quel contexte defendre”
‘k voila
The big dog appears, gently grabs your message and heads for Kaspar
‘k mais j’oscille entre revue de litterature et contraintes (methodologiques et choix de la tache pour trouver quelque chose
The big dog appears, gently grabs your message and heads for Kaspar
Kaspar [at Card Guppies!] tells his big dog to head for your place. [11:46:48]
He pages, “faudrait pourvoir faire un projection pour savoir dans quel domaine y aura les jobs les plus marrants et ce qu’il faut avoir comme these”
‘k urban planning
The big dog appears, gently grabs your message and heads for Kaspar
‘k game designer
The big dog appears, gently grabs your message and heads for Kaspar
Kaspar [at Card Guppies!] tells his big dog to head for your place. [11:48:05]
He pages, “spécialisé MMORG ?”
‘K small scale collaborative game in mixed reality par exemple
The big dog appears, gently grabs your message and heads for Kaspar
Kaspar [at Card Guppies!] tells his big dog to head for your place. [11:49:29]
He pages, “alors c décidé: tu la fera en psychologie sociale ou psychologie d’action”
‘k psycho socio-cognitive en fait
The big dog appears, gently grabs your message and heads for Kaspar
Kaspar [at Card Guppies!] tells his big dog to head for your place. [11:49:54]
He pages, “sinon en sciences de l’information ou communication … tas le choix”
‘k ouais, pierre veut de l’experience controlee
The big dog appears, gently grabs your message and heads for Kaspar
Kaspar [at Card Guppies!] tells his big dog to head for your place. [11:50:09]
He pages, “ouais mais ca y a pas”
Kaspar [at Card Guppies!] tells his big dog to head for your place. [11:50:20]
He pages, “pff l’est un peu fondamentaliste”
‘k hehe
The big dog appears, gently grabs your message and heads for Kaspar
Kaspar [at Card Guppies!] tells his big dog to head for your place. [11:50:49]
He pages, “bon vais aller o boulot, a + :)”