Post-it et street marketing

Découvert aujourd’hui à Genève : des post its “tout ce que je cherchais” et “” collés sur le maximum d’autres affiches de spectacle : un teaser de sony pour des produits de mp3 downloads…

bientot du street marketing avec des pins collés dans le q de bitchs…

n’importe quoi

Meeting with Stefano

I had a very refreshing and interesting meeting today with stefano mastrogiacomo about Herbert’s CLark theory, Activity Theory and spatial stuff. I think I am going to use this framework for my phd. Let’s read Clark…

I’ll publish here a summary of the discussion later (no time at the moment)

Territoriality in virtual space and video games

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE

I am wondering whether ther is no study concerning territoriality in virtual worlds such as video games’s space : quake arena, everquest world…

In those multi-user games, space is the cornerstone of interaction. Then studying how users (and group of users) appropriates themselves their territory should be of interest.

I just found one study from Philip Jeffrey.

Video games, Spatiality and social meanings

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Espen Aarseth proposed that computer games can be classified by their implementation of spatial representation using different criteria like perspective, point of view or direction. He showed the importance of space for game aesthetics, I would like to go further by showing how spatiality supports social and cognitive functions in multi-user game interaction.