April 2020
November 2019
October 2019
- 31: A Little Design Fiction on Brexit
- 23: On Design Fiction: Close, But No Cigar (1)
- 21: A Design Fiction Map of Geneva for Autonomous Vehicles (1)
March 2019
January 2019
- 16: When Automation Bites Back (2)
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
- 11: Hello World. This is Próximo.
- 09: Introduction to ethnography & field research at the Angewandte
October 2017
September 2017
- 23: Sensor fail
- 13: Professional repair shop
August 2017
July 2017
- 31: Ethnographic experiential futures
- 30: Object repurposing
- 28: On Fadell’s regrets and techno-determinism
- 11: Ethology/ethnography documentation
May 2017
April 2017
- 18: A short essay on 3D printing
- 18: On Moonlighting
- 18: A New Simple
- 17: The Future Mundane
- 17: Redistillation
- 17: Weldtype
October 2016
- 20: Peripheral ethnographies
- 16: Documenting the State of Contemporary Technology
- 11: Mobile Ordinary Gestures
August 2016
April 2016
- 14: On weird ethnographies
- 05: Weldtype
March 2016
- 20: Near Future Laboratory Seldom Dispatch
- 15: Dadabot and machinic creolization
- 11: The Hellofosta VLOG
February 2016
- 29: Recurring dream, recurring flops
- 10: Mobile phone repair shop, downtown Los Angeles
- 03: X-Files S10E3: the mobile phone scene
January 2016
- 31: “Evolution” of technology
- 20: Data harvesting appendages (FKA ‘things’)
- 19: CES 2016
- 13: Mobile phone protecting pouch
- 11: Social Media at Human Pace (4)
- 07: “crap future”
December 2015
- 22: Invisible technology: rock speakers
- 21: Some Critical Thoughts to Inspire People Active in the Internet of Things
- 20: Star Wars: “the super-technologies already beginning to rust around the edges”
- 16: Algorithmic class structures
- 10: The Global Village and its Discomforts (3)
- 05: Culture Interface: digital interfaces and science-fiction
- 02: Creating Fictional Data Products and Their Implications
November 2015
October 2015
- 21: Back to the Future day
- 20: Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment: InterLace Telentertainment, 932/1864
- 18: Weekly digital lexicon #3
- 13: The whole range of pen options
- 12: Strange hand “choreographies” + mobile phones
- 07: New book: DADABOT
- 07: From conversational agents to robots
- 06: Sensor(ed)
- 05: Weekly digital lexicon #2
September 2015
- 30: Hunting for urban electricity
- 29: Design fiction, “anticipatory ethnography” and “ethnographies of the possible”
- 28: Weekly lexicon
- 15: The Future Mundane at dConstruct
- 03: Signage for invisible UI
August 2015
July 2015
- 28: Our Approach of Design Fiction (3)
June 2015
- 28: Some smartphone evolution diagrams
- 26: Fortress of Solitude: exploring the near-future of “smart home”
- 24: The World Of Self-Driving Cars
- 16: Probable Possible Preferable Futures
May 2015
April 2015
March 2015
- 28: Visioconference-while-walking
- 17: Saint Etienne Design Biennale 2015
- 06: Networked coffee-machine
- 05: About technology non-use
- 01: Curious Rituals: Double-Selfie
February 2015
- 20: “Activate switch”, “Touch to Exit”, “Push to Exit”, “Press to operate door”
- 19: Zelda game wristwatch 1989
- 18: WORLD BRAIN: a a stroll through data centers
- 17: Device convergence: toilet paper roll/phone/radio
- 15: Gadget found at flea market #257: Parabolic ear
- 14: Mobile devices from Super Sad True Love
- 11: Design fiction workshop with ESA at Lift15
- 05: Interaction 15
January 2015
- 26: New book on ‘Design Ethnography’
- 23: Stephen Willats and photographic documentation
- 16: “ethical things”: crowdsourcing and networked objects
- 15: Supercargo: an interview with Peter Moorsgard
December 2014
- 23: “Supercargo: a parable of desire”
- 19: 8-bit reggae book playlist
- 12: Cats, toxoplasmosis and internet memes
- 11: “The complex relationship of sub-systems and their larger wholes.”
- 10: 8-bit reggae: an interview with @goto80
- 07: “Thomassons” = architecture relics
- 06: Ursula Le Guin on Science-Fiction
- 05: ‘Curious Rituals’ at Future Fiction (Z33)
- 02: The Institute of Culturetronics : “modular domestic electronics”
- 01: Objects from Japan
November 2014
- 27: “Six approaches to empirically research algorithms”
- 26: Datahotels are the new datawarehouses
- 20: Energy Babble: networked radio broadcasting internet content
- 19: “Real Prediction Machines”
- 17: New book about 8-bit reggae
- 08: The Internet of Things at the flea market
- 01: Green background for VFX?
October 2014
- 26: Futures? An interview with Sophia Al-Maria
- 24: “Computational journalism”
- 15: IICloud(s) – Inhabiting and Interfacing the Cloud(s)
September 2014
- 24: “How you can hack your blood pressure implant to provide fake and healthy data to an insurance company”
- 23: Networked lingerie for book reading
- 19: Futures? a short interview with Bruce Sterling
- 14: Futures? a short interview with Warren Ellis
- 14: Why Silicon Valley Hates TBD Catalog
- 03: Algorithms+reverse engineering
August 2014
- 29: The Future Silicon Valley’s Billionaires Don’t Want You To See (2)
- 18: TBD Catalog
- 16: The street is the best museum
- 16: Street IP address
- 10: Lucky charm assemblage
July 2014
- 27: “Eclats d’Amérique”: Chronicles of Google Streetview
- 26: Project Habakkuk
- 17: “a Pop-Up Sensor Nail Salon”
- 12: queue norm
- 09: “why we made this”
June 2014
May 2014
- 12: Visualizing TV series
- 07: “These machines can be a metaphor for whatever’s on people’s minds.”
- 06: “Pop-up studio” manual
- 03: Collection, accumulation, compilation
April 2014
- 27: The Smithsonian on Science Fiction, the Future and design fiction
- 14: Redistillation
- 03: Design fiction: a bibliography
March 2014
- 31: A fictional newspaper from 2018 that imagines possible futures of data and football
- 11: “Equipped with a computer chip, the rice cooker can’t think'”
February 2014
- 19: An evening of Design and Fiction
- 19: A Delightful Design Fiction Evening in San Francisco
January 2014
December 2013
November 2013
- 27: Internet time clock/watch
- 26: #curiousalgorithms
- 19: Common misconceptions about design research
- 13: Data science and “methodolatry”, the aestheticization and idolization of method.
- 10: 8-bit reggae project
October 2013
- 31: “Dissident Futures” exhibit at YBCA in SF
- 27: Speech at UC Berkekley: Adventures in Algorithmic Cultures
- 17: It’s Grim Up North
- 15: Design & Fiction
- 15: D&F: A Design & Fiction Evening
- 07: The Future Mundane
September 2013
August 2013
July 2013
- 19: Tokyo
- 12: From the right
June 2013
- 17: On Moonlighting
- 10: Digital Creativity on design fictions
- 10: Digital Creativity on design fictions
May 2013
April 2013
- 24: In La Leyenda del Mapa Mudo
- 24: Contribution to Ethnography Matters
- 23: ‘Curious Rituals’ in Milan for the Design Week 2013
- 19: A short essay on 3D Printing
- 13: Art/tech scene
March 2013
- 31: 10 years!
- 27: The world is not enough
- 06: Thoughts about brain-machine interaction
- 02: Green Pages (2)
February 2013
- 27: News from the Executive Suite, Los Angeles Bureau
- 25: The geometry of possibility
- 25: Endurance
- 15: Telesound “sounds” intriguing:TeleSound is a cute…
- 14: Curious Rituals
- 13: “Miss Cyborg” taken from Sahel digital A picture…
- 10: The OpenPositioningSystem project by Philipp Ronnenberg (Design…
- 10: “Box of clouds”: A photo viewer key ring dismembered…
January 2013
- 19: “If you view the mass adoption of 3D printing as an inevitability – whether it be through people all…”
- 19: The Apple icon garden.
- 17: “Did Google Kill this Donkey?” asks Jalopnik. The…
- 15: From Regine Debatty’s review of Bad Graffiti by Scott…
- 14: Knight Rider’s red light interface. According to the…
- 13: “Hugo Gernsback wearing his TV Glasses in 1963 Life…
- 12: (via Stefano Mirti), as reported by Dezeen Royal College of Art…
- 12: Via wtbw: (via Unique Headphones for Studying Birds Hearing | I…
- 10: Star Wars map by Andrew DeGraff.
- 10: The Bubble Bonnet, aka the Space Bubble Helmet: In 1964,…
- 09: Mindloop by One Life Remains: This game is controlled by a…
- 09: “The heterogeneous home” by Ben Hooker, Ryan…
- 09: Subway usage in Paris, a data visualization made by…
- 08: A Few Things The Laboratory Did In 2012
- 04: “[Design can be …] The stable platform on which to entertain unusual bedfellows. The glue for things…”
- 04: Július Koller, Post-Komunikacia (U.F.O.), 1977 Collage et…
- 04: “Artefact cards”: a simple tool to help you develop…
December 2012
- 31: Year-Ending 2012
- 29: “Double Tap – Sam Driver – 48 Hour Compo Entry”:
- 18: Brain-Computer Interface (Muse): “head-bands are cool…
- 13: From James Auger’s PhD defense. This quote also sums up…
- 13: 新しい言葉 (New Words) by Alex Dodge: A method for generating…
- 11: A patent for an “Internet refrigerator and operating…
- 04: The creative portrayal
- 03: Probably the most interesting use case for Augmented Reality:…
November 2012
- 30: Power all around
- 30: Prototyping session with post-its and cardboard at EPFL
- 29: Seen on “A damn shame art”: Armando M. Diaz first…
- 29: After the Flood has this highly intriguing…
- 28: Search terms, by B42 ed.: What are we to make of all these…
- 28: Junkware, by Thierry Bardini: Examining cybernetic structures…
- 27: A-Always B-Be K-Knolling..
- 25: Fantasy video gaming?: kids playing with game controllers and no…
- 21: The Fixer’s manifesto, by Sugru
- 16: “The Creative Process” as seen by Ben Pieratt
- 15: “Hommage à New-York” by Florent Deloison: a game in…
- 15: “What makes Paris look like Paris” Given a large…
- 12: Read in Iwata Asks: Yuzawa Yeah. We were sure to make use of…
- 04: “Pixeliose” a disease resulting in partial pixelation of the field of vision
October 2012
- 29: "Game On: What sets Proteus apart from other games? And is there anything you wish you could have…"
- 25: "drones are used to do what most in the industry call the three Ds: dull, dirty and dangerous.The…"
- 25: Corrupted C#n#m# by Angelo Vermeulen: Corrupted C#n#m# is an…
- 25: An ostrich escaped from the Ostriches Farm (Yasusuke Ota: The…
- 25: ENEROPA by OMA: With a cheeky, provocative tone typical of OMA,…
- 25: "When any CPU includes hardware that decides to redirect the CPU’s attention to a new program…"
- 23: On rectangles
- 23: "I’ve seen other designer’s sketchbooks and I’m always impressed by how much…"
- 22: Contradictions like these abound in many retail establishments…
- 16: What’s up here!?
- 15: To Be Designed // Detroit // October 1-3
- 10: The Alpine Review
- 08: Detroit
September 2012
- 24: To Be Designed // Detroit // October 1-3 (2)
- 18: Design Fiction Crest
- 14: Outcomes of Curious Ritual project
- 05: “Zombie Media”, as defined by Jussi Parikka: Zombie…
- 05: From a paper being presented at the SecureComm conference in…
- 04: The Atlas of Desire
August 2012
- 29: Outrun, by Garnet Hertz: OutRun offers a unique mixed reality…
- 28: Intriguing concept: iPet Companion: “iPet Companion…
- 23: “Rubber band AI”: “Rubber band AI refers to…
- 23: “What? They’re Only Mechanical Men!” says…
- 19: Two weird examples of photo manipulation that aims at converting…
- 19: Weird: Disney Research in Zurich, Switzerland, just developed a…
- 17: design linguistics
- 16: Read in Freud’s Civilization and its…
- 15: “Asymmetric gaming” as described here: providing…
- 14: Found in Jay, Martin. 1993. Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of…
- 13: A great quote by Craig Stecyk, 1975: “two hundred years…
- 13: Not exactly your über cool high-flying drone, but I find…
- 13: “Biotic video-game” or more thoroughly described in…
- 10: Working on the “Curious Ritual” book project, I…
- 10: This is the Nissan LEAF Start-Up Sounds, which is an electric…
- 09: A curious project by Antonin FourneauThe “Water Light…
- 08: “Hard time on planet Earth” is an American science…
- 08: Despite its flawed title, reading My Life as a Telecommuting…
- 08: Dephone, by Maria Beltran (Master Media Design,…
- 07: Meanwhile in Switzerland: sheep to warn shepherds of wolf…
- 07: "Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science:Those seven warning signs are:Discoverers make their claims…"
- 06: The Leaky Future Conjecture: The Leaky Future Conjecture (LFC)…
- 06: Littletechie That’s London, my five-year-old son. He likes…
- 06: (via) Read in Wired, a sociologist, Esther Kim from Yale…
- 05: Turkopticon: Almost half of the Mechanical Turk workers who…
- 04: Mars Rover “A set of low-resolution gray scale Hazcam…
- 03: The representation of futuristic technology
- 02: Is that you, or am I experiencing Artificial Reality? – The New…
- 02: In a conversation this afternoon with Ben Fullerton, the…
- 02: The “Olympic Wifi Police”: @SadaoTurner: „Something…
- 01: WTF
- 01: A project by Clement Valla: At first, I thought they were…
- 01: "One thing you seem to have got scarily accurate is the way advertising is weaved into the world…"
July 2012
- 31: Nikola Tesla.
- 31: Object performativity, or to delegate self-defense to a…
- 31: Two fascinating projects by Joe Malia and aimed at exploring…
- 31: Insecurity
- 31: Footoscope: a deciphering tool for football amateurs
- 18: Interesting projects at Art Center
- 13: Summer project: Curious Gestures
- 09: Summer in Los Angeles
- 01: In Mosaic
June 2012
- 28: Unveiling Quadrigram
- 22: Flawed “trends” circulation
- 18: Weekending 17062012
- 13: “I’ve been playing the same game of Civilization II for 10 years”
- 08: These new aestheticians were a bit too literal, weren’t they?
- 08: Tom Sachs // Mars Program
- 03: Weekending 03062012
- 03: Lessons from teaching design approaches to engineering students
May 2012
- 22: Weekending 19062012
- 21: Monster sticky note on cell-phone screen
- 16: betaknowledge.tumblr.com as a compilation of weak signals about the future
- 15: Weekending 12062012
- 14: Virilio on “statistical image” and perception #newaesthetic
- 12: Z/Z/Z/ describing the dimension of cultural artifacts that are difficult to explain using natural language
- 04: Robot Mori: a curious assemblage from the Uncanny Valley
- 01: Fosta's Ye Olde Aesthetic
- 01: Weekending 04292012
April 2012
- 29: “Recombinant food”
- 27: “you’ll buy software that makes original pieces of “their” works”
- 27: Weekending 03222012
- 24: Robot-produced languages as part of #newaesthetic?
- 20: Representing the city as it’s lived: livelihoods
- 20: “The Unknown Glitch”
- 17: Moon Graffiti
- 17: Mythologies update?
- 16: Weekending 15042012
- 16: Bot activity on Wikipedia entries about Global Warming
- 14: Is the New Aesthetic only about visual stuff?
- 13: Rotary dials as game controllers
- 11: New Aesthetic // OOO // Future of Things (5)
- 09: Weekending 08042012
- 04: Incongruous Connector // Audio Electronics
- 03: One Moment Please
- 03: Weekending 03312012
- 02: Vending machines and their cultural implications
March 2012
- 27: Weekending 03252012
- 27: 3Difficult (2)
- 26: Joypad/lego hybridization
- 24: Awkward strokes minimized with Dvorak keyboard
- 23: Links for 2012-03-22 [del.icio.us]
- 22: A Screen-y FutureScape-y 2025 (2)
- 20: Rigor and relevance in interaction design research
- 20: Multitasking TVs at the airport
- 20: Weekending 03182012
- 19: How socialbots could influence changes in the social graph
- 18: Cultural hybrid: chinese kebab
- 17: Creolization
- 16: Ville Vivante
- 16: Links for 2012-03-15 [del.icio.us]
- 14: Drones controlled by Playstation-like joypads
- 12: SXSW2012 talk about mind and consciousness as an interface
- 12: Links for 2012-03-11 [del.icio.us]
- 11: Weekending 03112012
- 06: Weekending 03032012
- 06: At O’Reilly Strata Conference
- 04: Corner Convenience // The Near Future // Design Fiction (14)
- 01: Convenience (4)
February 2012
- 29: Links for 2012-02-28 [del.icio.us]
- 28: Weekending 26022012
- 26: Critical Engineering
- 26: Mysteries and Curiosities map of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- 21: Week Quotes: 19022012
- 21: Weekending 18022012
- 18: Some interfaces encountered in Los Angeles this week
- 15: Links for 2012-02-14 [del.icio.us]
- 14: Links for 2012-02-13 [del.icio.us]
- 13: Weekending 12022012
- 13: Week Quotes: 13022012
- 13: Links for 2012-02-12 [del.icio.us]
- 12: Just A Note: Design Fiction Is Not Design You'd Do Anyway + Motion Graphics (2)
- 06: Week Quotes: 06022012
- 05: Weekending 05022012
- 03: The iPod Time Capsule – Notes on Listening + Time + Design of Things That Make Sound
January 2012
- 30: This Is What I Sent — The Ear Freshener PCB Design
- 30: Weekending 28012012
- 24: Pretty Maps – 20×200 Editions
- 24: Interaction Awards 2012: Drift Deck for People's Choice (3)
- 22: Weekending 21012012
- 22: privatesquare (3)
- 18: Weekending 15012012
- 17: Sound Should Just Come Out Of It (4)
- 16: Ceci n'est pas une caméra (6)
- 11: A Few Things The Laboratory Did In 2011 (1)
December 2011
- 27: Weekending 25122011
- 21: Weekending 19122011
- 12: Weekending 12102011
- 09: Short Note — The Product Design Venn Diagram: Updates
- 06: Weekending 12042011 (2)
- 04: At the Smart City World Congress
- 03: At the Smart City World Congress
November 2011
- 30: Airport Timer
- 28: Portals
- 28: Weekending 11272011
- 27: Introducing Jayne Vidheecharoen
- 22: Weekending 11202011
- 13: Weekending 11132011 (1)
- 07: Weekending 11062011
- 01: Weekending 10302011
October 2011
- 26: Thrilling Wonder Stories..London Edition
- 23: Weekending 10232011
- 19: Design Fiction + Advanced Designing + Trust in Volume Quarterly (1)
- 16: SuperCollider: A Class at LA Public School
- 16: Design and Storytelling at AIGA Pivot
- 11: In the polishing phase
- 04: Speculative Design Workshop: The Era of Objects at V2_
September 2011
- 22: Varieties of Controls
- 14: Speculative Design: Blowup – The Era of Objects
- 03: Design Fiction on Australian Radio / FutureTense
August 2011
July 2011
- 28: LM358 Op-Amp Issues (7)
- 27: Janet Cardiff Sound Art
- 27: Whittling Away at Audio (4)
- 20: PDPal in Talk To Me
- 05: Design Fiction Workshop at UX Week 2011
June 2011
- 30: Pneu. Ma. Tique.
- 26: What Mike Said
- 26: The Mind & Consciousness User Interface: SXSW Proposal?
- 21: Step Seven of Nine
- 20: Design Fiction Chronicles: The Future Issue of The Book and iPad (4)
- 16: Cory Arcangel Show At The Whitney As Evidence That Retro Is As Dead As Disco
- 10: 18 Miles Per Hour
- 07: Superstructures
May 2011
- 31: A trajectory from academia to entrepreneurship
- 30: Slide Deck of Lecture at ENSCI
- 20: Why Good Design Isn't Eye Candy (1)
- 15: Design Advances
- 14: Design Fiction at UC Calgary's Environmental Design: A First Go At Design Fiction Genre Conventions
- 14: Kitchen of the Future (1)
April 2011
March 2011
- 28: IxD 2011 Designing Advanced Design Workshop (1)
- 26: And Another..
- 19: Opportunism
February 2011
- 27: Nonobject Short Notes
- 23: Introducing Elephant Path
- 20: Data City: A Text for Visual Complexity, the Book
- 11: Science Fiction Prototyping for Technology Innovation
- 06: Design Culture Lab: Ethnographic Fiction & Speculative Design Workshop
- 04: Lab Coats In Hollywood
- 03: Art Center Summer Residency: Learning and the New Ecology of Things
January 2011
- 27: You'd Be Right To Wonder
- 08: Primer: Inexplicable Ideas In Design Fiction
- 03: A Few Things The Laboratory Did In 2010
December 2010
- 28: How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe
- 23: What Innovation (1)
- 22: Designing Fiction in Volume Q.
- 15: Cinema City
- 15: A Wry Look At Wheels On Luggage (1)
- 12: Weekending 12122010: Clarity via Complexity
- 09: The Wall
- 07: Northern Nordic
November 2010
- 30: Spacesuit.
- 30: An Artist Statement To Remember (1)
- 28: The Interaction & Interface Design Car Wreck
- 25: Weekending 11212010
- 25: Swiss Design Network Conference – Design Fiction Keynote
- 23: The Paradox of Intellectual Property (2)
- 16: Grafikdemo by Niklas Roy
- 15: Hint Fiction — Short Evocations of Larger Stories
- 15: Design Fiction Workshop: Failures
- 10: Sketching with Data
- 09: Networks, Sensor Networks, Human Sensors
- 01: Volume Issue on the Moon (1)
October 2010
- 20: Action Sharing 2 Creative Competition
- 18: Weekending 10172010
- 17: The Faint Scent of Brimstone with Notes of Sulfur
- 13: I Quote: ….
- 06: Weekending 10032010
September 2010
- 29: The Spaces of Innovation
- 28: Vol. 7 of the Design Fiction Chronicles (1)
- 28: Weekending 09262010
- 26: Representations of the Future with Graphs (8)
- 21: Design Fiction: From Props to Prototypes (2010 01SJ Biennial Catalog Essay) (3)
- 21: James Dyson on Engineering Designers (2)
- 21: Weekending 09192010
- 15: Future of Technology Conference University of Michigan September 24-25 (1)
- 15: The Future is a Mod
- 13: Weekending 09122010 (2)
- 10: Made Up Panel Discussion September 17 at Art Center College of Design
- 10: Stuart's *Fragments of Possible Worlds* / Reperceiving The Future
- 03: The Design, Art, Technology & History of Arduino (1)
- 01: Weekending 08292010
August 2010
- 26: The Urban Internet of Things 2010. An International Workshop
- 24: Weekending 08222010
- 21: Design Fiction Chronicles: Before the iPad There Was the PADD (3)
- 21: Hand Drawn Maps..Drawn By Computer (5)
- 09: Weeksendings 07302010 and 08062010
- 06: Features Aren't A Measure Of Innovation
- 05: When Not To Use Doorknobs
July 2010
- 30: Design Fiction Studio for Young Minds (2)
- 27: And the time it takes to make them is the time taken to mean it. (1)
- 26: Design Fiction Chronicles: Apollo 11 Owner's Manual
- 23: Weekending 07232010 (2)
- 12: Weekending 07112010
- 02: Creative Corporate Cultures
June 2010
- 29: Slow Media Manifesto (1)
- 29: Partial Truths: To Do Something Interdisciplinary
- 28: Weekending 06272010
- 24: Air Show Design Fiction
- 22: Is There Such A Thing As An Invisible Metaphors (4)
- 20: Weekending 06202010 (2)
- 11: Weekending 06102010
- 10: Gibson And The New *Quotidian. A Quote.
- 08: *Wheels On Luggage (4)
- 07: Week Ending 04052010
May 2010
- 31: Apparatus at The HABITAR Exhibition
- 31: Weekending 05282010
- 29: More Peculiar Design Fiction Film
- 29: Design Fiction Pictures Presents: Earth to Luna
- 26: Week Ending 052110
- 25: Wandering through the future
- 21: Design Fancies
- 19: Design Fiction Principles: Notes from Design for Screen
- 17: Week Ending 051410
- 13: Five Advantages of The Concept of "Design"
- 12: Interactive Architecture Crits (1)
- 03: iotaSalon: The City @ UCLA
April 2010
- 30: Design Strategy
- 30: Related to Design Fiction
- 30: Digital Blur Book Launched
- 25: Week Ending 04232010
- 22: Digital Blur Book Launch At Architectural Association April 27
- 17: Medical Fiction (3)
- 14: Class Action (1)
- 11: The Week Ending 04092010
- 06: Award Category: Design Fiction
- 05: Sticks, Stones and The Material Effects of Appearances
March 2010
- 30: Design Fiction at 6th Annual Swiss Design Network Conference
- 29: The Week Ending 032610 (2)
- 26: Design Fiction Panel at SXSW 2010
- 26: Design Fiction Chronicles: The Dark Knight's Ubicomp Mobile Phone Sonar
- 20: The Week Ending…031910
- 18: The Week Ending Long Ago…031210
- 18: Do or Do Not.
- 18: Design Fiction Panel at SXSW 2010 (1)
- 09: He said that science fiction wasn't special..
- 08: The Week Ahead: SxSW 2010 — Design Fiction Panel
- 07: CfP. Twelve 2 Week Residencies in…Synthetic Biology!
- 07: The Week Ending 050310
- 04: Pogoplug Ugly Ass Design (1)
- 03: A Relevant Talk
February 2010
- 26: Predictably Not Quite Failing (3)
- 23: Design Fiction Chronicles: Brainstorm
- 22: The Week Ending 021910
- 15: Design Fiction Chronicles – Demo and Die: RoboCop's Ed 209
- 15: The Week Ending 120210
- 13: Design Fiction Chronicles: Robocop + Pre-Augmented Reality Augmented Reality (1)
- 07: The Week Ending 050210
- 05: Really the Fake: Derived, Diacritic'd, Differenced Things
- 03: Design for Failure
- 01: The Week Ending 291210
January 2010
- 27: Fake for Real (1)
- 25: The Week Ending 220110
- 22: Undisciplinarity (essay in book)
- 17: The Week Ending 150110
- 17: Microsoft Social Computing Symposium 2010 – Notes
- 16: Slow Down
- 15: Art History of Games
- 11: Once Upon A Place.. Architecture + Fiction Event (1)
- 09: A Curious Crosswalk Clarification
- 08: The Week Ending 080110 (1)
- 05: 2010 — A Time Magazine Cover From The Future Past
- 01: The Year Ending 311209 (1)
- 01: Showing And Telling: Some Notes On Visualisation and Cognition
December 2009
- 29: 6th Swiss Design Network Conference – "Negotiating futures. Design fiction."
- 28: Physical Manifestations (2)
- 28: Avatar On Its Face
- 25: The Week Ending Today 251209 (1)
- 23: RIG DataDecs / Data Materialization + Quantified/Historical Self (1)
- 22: Buzz Aldrin Signs Teh Bookz
- 18: The Week Ending Today 181209
- 18: A Trio Of Posted Things
- 16: Minor Urban Disaster
- 15: Plastic Happens
- 13: Thickly Imbricated
- 11: The Week Ending Today 111209
- 01: Beyond Public Toilet Maps — Prehistoric Augmented Reality Devices (1)
November 2009
- 23: Construction of Things
- 13: What If..
- 10: Preposterous Scales of Time and Size
- 08: Mobile Media 09 at UCLA D|MA (1)
October 2009
- 30: Design Fiction in the Science Gallery
- 27: Design Fiction Chronicles: Star Trek's Historical Time Line (1)
- 26: A synchronicity: Design Fictions for Asynchronous Urban Computing
- 26: SXSW 2010 Design Fiction Panel (2)
- 23: Innovation and Design (4)
- 18: Props, Prototypes and Design With No Spec: Notes on Heliotropic Smartsurfaces (2)
- 09: Nokia N900 Hacks
- 08: Design Fiction Chronicles: Urgency and Emergency, Notification and Warning (3)
- 07: Textual Landscapes at Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery (2)
- 05: Upcoming Talks, Crits, Lectures (1)
September 2009
- 29: Brand Obama
- 29: Tangled Knots (1)
- 24: Interoperability (1)
- 13: Incongruence Between Public & Private (1)
- 12: David Byrne Urbanism
- 08: Drama, Boredom, Simply Infovisualized
- 02: National Science Foundation Creative "IT" RFP
August 2009
- 31: Approaches To Design (3)
- 28: SXSW 2010 Interactive Proposal – Design Fiction (1)
- 26: Eduardo Galeano Contemplates History's Paradoxes
- 21: Pogoplug and The Rise of Network Fog (2)
- 19: Personas Web (6)
- 18: Generative Urban Design
- 17: Pastiche, Scenarios, Design, Communication
- 13: Lift Asia 09 Jeju Korea, Sept 17-18 (1)
- 12: Ikky Futures — Back To The Futures on VHS Tape
- 10: William H. Whyte Revisited: An Experiment With An Apparatus for Capturing Other Points of View (2)
- 04: Design Fiction Chronicles: Modes of Surveillance in "Eagle Eye" and "The Final Cut"
- 04: When Characters Cross: Extradiegetic Imbrication (2)
- 03: Design Fiction Chronicles: Duncan Jones' "Moon"
July 2009
- 30: Digital Blur: Stories from the Edge of Creative Design Practice (2)
- 29: Upcoming essay on the asynchronous city (1)
- 27: Overlap 09 (6)
- 27: Experiment With A Bird In The Air-Pump
- 22: Call Your Hardware Vendor (2)
- 21: Mail Call
- 17: LIS302DL. A 3 Axis Accelerometer (10)
- 16: Companion Species Training Game
- 15: Objectified
- 09: Conflux Festival 2009 Call Proposals
- 08: Call for Artists — Locative Cinema Commission
- 07: Chalkbot Versus GraffitiWriter…Round One! Ready….FIGHT!
- 07: Home User Interfaces (1)
- 01: Cash Only (1)
June 2009
- 28: To The Accessory Crap Heap (5)
- 28: Designed for Transparency
- 23: Design Leadership — How Design Thinks?
- 23: Innovation 2.0? (3)
- 22: Urban Historical Infrastructure Layers
- 20: Street Mountain
- 20: Street Furniture
- 10: GPX to DXF – Drawing GPS Tracks (1)
- 01: Embodied Viewing Platforms (2)
May 2009
- 29: Scales of Material Things
- 29: Laboratories, Accelerometers And Kitchen Crockery (2)
- 21: Design Fiction at Belgrade Design Week 2009
- 18: Design Fiction Chronicles: Cylon Hybrids "Tweet" Prophecy or Prattle
- 18: Measuring the Immeasurable (2)
- 15: UCLA DMA MFA Exhibtion 2009
- 11: Design Fiction Chronicles: The Interlaced Histories of Star Trek & Mobile Phones (1)
- 06: Practice Observed: Designed For Rest And Activity (1)
- 01: Mobile Surveillance (2)
April 2009
- 30: Design Fiction Chronicles: The Augmented Reality Near Future Imaginary Par Excellance
- 29: Design Fiction Chronicles: The Stability of Food Futures (4)
- 29: Follow Curiosity, Not Careers (3)
- 28: However, as Lacan taught us (1)
- 27: Who Will Make The Bricks?
- 26: Recto & Verso
- 26: Design Fiction Chronicles: Found Futures Image Testaments
- 23: More Than One Degree (2)
- 21: Gradually Undisciplined. Stories Not Titles.
- 21: Reality Augmented: Birdsong Identification Tour (1)
- 16: Contextualising critical design: a classification of critical design practices
- 14: Design Fiction Chronicles: Aram Bartholl's Vision of Augmented Reality (12)
- 07: Dog Eared "Distraction"
- 02: Bad Idea
March 2009
- 31: Maslow's Hierarchy of Magazine Browsing (2)
- 30: Kubrick Anthem (1)
- 29: Chat With Holly Willis of Blur + Sharpen
- 27: Meet The Disabler: Ubicomp Futures Now
- 23: Arranged Things
- 23: Upcoming Travels and Talk: Design Connexity
- 21: Mixed Food Culture Messages (3)
- 18: Thoughtful Acts, With An Appropriately Snarky Attitude
- 17: Design Fiction: A Short Essay on Design, Science, Fact and Fiction (109)
- 14: Finding The Way – HMC6352 Digital Compass (2)
- 11: Monuments of the Times
- 08: Etech 2009 This Week
- 05: Announcement: Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design..Accepting Applications
- 04: Inscribed History
February 2009
- 27: Patron Identification Protocols
- 24: Star Trek Embedded Culture
- 23: You'll Want To Read This
- 20: Eric Paulos' Open Disruption
- 20: The Map Is Here For You To Use
- 19: One Thing, Done Well
- 18: Media Diversity (1)
- 17: Thoughtful Acts
- 17: Deeply Embedded Eating Practices
- 15: Garage Science Conclusions and Implications
- 12: Lift 2009
- 09: Locative Play (2)
- 07: Interactivos – Medialab-Prado
- 02: Upload Cinema – Visions of a Future
- 02: Workflow
- 01: Subtly Noted
January 2009
- 31: Back to Basics
- 25: Many Facets
- 23: Isla Lyddle End 2050
- 20: Short Code
- 20: Tipped.
- 13: Visual Design and Mitigation Strategy
- 12: Workshop on Pervasive Advertising (2)
- 09: Anticipating Failure
- 09: Stating the Obvious (1)
- 05: Autonomous Game Controllers (11)
December 2008
November 2008
- 30: Mobile Defense and Chinatown Cobbler
- 29: A Story In Fragments
- 23: Ubicomp is like a 5 year old wishing for a pink pony
- 23: Dead objects preserved
- 18: What does $5 get you, anyway?
- 14: Drift Deck (Analog Edition) Card Art
- 13: Institute for the Future: Blended Realities Fall Technology Exchange
- 12: Self Explanatory: Street Level User Interface
- 11: Design Fiction / Science Fiction
- 11: Refinement in Degrees
- 01: Stifo@Sandberg Moving Movie Industry
October 2008
- 27: iCal Interface Fail
- 24: A New Logic Analyzer and the HMC6352 I2C Compass
- 22: Books for the Épistémè of Fail
- 20: Paper Maps
- 20: Manhole Compass
- 17: Spime Wine
- 17: Icon Mania
- 17: Precious Mobility
- 14: Zip In, Reach Over, Zip Out (1)
- 09: Flat Tires and Thoughtless Acts
- 08: Merit Badges for Things (2)
- 08: Apologies
- 07: Touch Keyboard (1)
- 07: Design for Cardinality
- 05: Design Fiction @ Design Engaged 2008
- 05: Ticket Vending Machines (5)
- 05: Precious
September 2008
- 30: Old Mapping Alternatives and New Metaphors, Please
- 23: Usury Virus Graph
- 23: *-computing (4)
- 11: Redundancy in Contexts
- 05: Near Future Laboratory Top 15 Criteria That Define Interactive or New Media Art (16)
- 03: Safety In A Ubicomp World (7)
- 02: Drift Deck (7)
August 2008
- 26: Lift Asia 2008 (1)
- 22: Timing
- 21: History of Consciousness Hiring
- 20: Refining (2)
- 17: Sketching From Ideas to Material (1)
- 13: PCA9306 Level Shifter (4)
- 12: Inconsistencies
- 11: Propeller and Arduino (4)
- 02: Aspirations
July 2008
- 31: Thoughtless Acts — Improvised Holsters (2)
- 27: Living in the Near Future
- 27: Signs of Local Pride
- 27: Redundancies
- 27: Elevator Protocols.
- 19: Urbanism, Data-Driven
- 18: Eliasson
- 13: Einar's "Adventures in Urban Computing"
- 13: iPhone for Hertzian Space
- 09: PSX (With Propeller) — Digital Edition
- 08: More Bumps
- 07: PSX..Analog Edition (2)
- 07: DS1803 Digital Potentiometer (1)
- 03: Near Future Laboratory Interns
- 02: Our Wordle
June 2008
- 27: Ambient Self Monitoring
- 26: Time Spent, Well (1)
- 26: Comment on Comments
- 24: When Engineers Design
- 21: Companion Species Study Group
- 21: Logicport Overview (1)
- 21: Content By The Pound
- 20: Security
- 20: 1×1 White Pixel Space (4)
- 19: Playstation 2 Logic Analysis (7)
- 18: Trapezoid
- 17: Functionally Finished Architecture (1)
- 16: Peculiar Dog Driving Practices and Other Mobile Daring-Do (1)
- 16: Pre-Columbian Internet Geography
- 12: How Hard Hardware (6)
- 10: Scale
- 09: Undisciplinary Design / People-Practice (3)
- 06: Disclose or Discover?
- 04: Coffee Interfaces
May 2008
- 31: High Chair (1)
- 31: Numeric Coincidences
- 31: Privacy
- 29: Ambient Power Consumption Monitoring (2)
- 29: I2C Logic Analysis (4)
- 28: Secure Your Goods
- 27: Display Driver
- 26: Process or Product?
- 26: Display (5)
- 26: Interfaces
- 26: Salt Air
- 24: Short Keys and Sheep Throwing
- 23: Theory, Practice — Art Design — Technology
- 22: Design Engineering People
- 21: Curated Fruits
- 21: Design Processes
- 21: Nokia Design Needs You
- 20: Action-Implications
- 20: Peculiar Practices
- 19: Eats In Context
- 19: Undisciplinarity. (1)
- 19: 7.5 Rules for Working Together
- 18: Conflux 2008 Now Accepting Submissions
- 16: Exit Strategies. UCLA Design Media Arts 2008 MFA Exhibition
- 13: Playful Water, Hydrophobic Plates
- 13: Fixed Subjects
- 13: Studio Visit at "dividual" and A Slow Conversation (1)
- 13: Nicolas Nova on Urban Computing
- 12: Unlimited Data
- 12: 21_21 Design Sight Exhibition
- 09: One More Thing — Design, Theory, Practice and the Future of Scholarship
- 05: Mobile Power Improvisation
- 05: Design for Mobile
- 03: Nokia Open Studios
April 2008
- 28: Nokia Homegrown (1)
- 28: PDPal — Mapping Without Terrain
- 27: [Event] Biggest Visual Power Show — Los Angeles May 17
- 26: Contexts for Interfaces
- 24: Services Offered
- 22: Pixel Pour (By Kelly Goeller) (7)
- 22: Reverso (1)
- 22: Re-Write Infrastructure — Diablitos Instantiated (4)
- 21: Territory
- 21: Curious Improvisations
- 16: Stealth & Styling
- 14: Video Game Makers Favor Diversion over Depth
- 14: Designed Implications (1)
- 11: Where To Next? Design.. (10)
- 09: Counter Intuitive
- 07: Post-Optimal Design (2)
- 05: Design As Consumption and Cannibalism
- 01: Alex Galloway's "Kriegspiel"
March 2008
- 26: Technologies of Kindness and Cruelty
- 24: Crossing all the wires: Cultural Engineering and Electrical Theory? (4)
- 24: What You Model Is What You Get — Some Design Notes
- 18: What Is Manufacturing in the Era of Design-Art-Technology?
- 11: Urban Computing As Fried Eggs
- 03: Piemonte Share Festival — "Manufacturing"
- 02: Convergence CfP — Special Issue on Digital Cultures and California: Extended Submission Deadline
February 2008
- 13: Nokia Remade
- 12: Sliding Friction: The Harmonious Jungle of Contemporary Cities
- 11: Your Imagination Leaves Digital Traces (Latour) (1)
- 07: Paul Dourish's Lift2008 Talk (1)
- 06: Variations
January 2008
- 31: Kombolói: An Anti-Anxiety Device
- 20: Digital & Physical Mashup At DLD08
- 17: Ubiquitous computing: visions, failures and new interaction rituals
- 11: Today's Desktop
- 09: Mixing Realities (3)
- 06: Design Now
December 2007
- 23: ⌘-X ⌘-Z In Hardware
- 23: Insignia
- 22: The Face of the Faceless User Interface
- 22: The Elusive Final-Final
- 18: Finish Without Function
November 2007
- 30: SlowMessenger
- 20: Things Made
- 19: Making Things (2)
- 12: Digicult Interview
- 10: LIS302DL — Wii Accelerometer
- 07: Inverse Machinima and Interfaces for 1st Life Play
October 2007
- 28: Slow Messenger Prototype (II)
- 18: Conclusion: Interdisciplinarity is Dead (4)
- 04: DS32C35 Breakout Board
September 2007
- 29: Play at Picnic2007
- 29: Lilypad Arduino
- 21: Travel Reading — "The Plenitude" (2)
- 14: Strategies for Mobile Comfort (1)
- 14: Future. Planning. Innovation.
- 13: Mobile Phone Booth
- 06: The Benefits Of Zealous Design
August 2007
- 31: The Benefits of Slowness
- 31: SmartDust — Battlefields and Cornfields
- 30: Gestures and Interface: Things To Do With Your Finger (2)
- 26: Break Out Power — MAX761
- 21: Version Version Version Version Version Version Version
- 12: In The Midst Of Design-Technology (1)
- 05: Command Line
- 05: Power Craft (2)
- 03: Techne
July 2007
- 31: Things That Go To Sleep
- 30: Jealous Computers
- 29: Things That Don't Turn Off (2)
- 29: Depth of Field To Add "Depth" To The Interface (2)
- 25: area codes
- 20: Microsoft Research Faculty Summit & Design Expo
- 18: More PCB Stuff (24)
- 18: CfP Special Issue of Convergence: The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies
- 09: Part 2: Physicality
- 01: Blimps To Teach
June 2007
- 25: Left To Our Own Devices (Hardware Sketching..What This Means)
- 21: Mobile Computing
- 03: Very Cool Fabric Arduino
- 03: Reboot 9.0 – "New Interaction Rituals: Getting The Playful Interfaces We Deserve" (2)
May 2007
- 29: Drowsy LED for The World's Slowest Instant Messenger
- 28: MobZombies Sensor Board Assembly
- 20: The World's Slowest Instant Messenger, Part II (1)
- 02: Creative Time: The Book
April 2007
- 28: Human Joystick Interface
- 10: A Gyroscope Game Input Control
- 04: MobZombies on Processing.org and New Kinds of Physical Electronic Play
- 02: World's Slowest Instant Messenger (1)
March 2007
- 29: Extended Research Statement
- 29: Statement of Research Motivations
- 26: Ideasonair
- 24: We Make Money Not Art Interview
- 19: Exergaming and Instrumented Measures of Fitness
- 19: Flavonoid v.03 Notes: Testing the QT113H proximity sensor
- 07: Game Week Musings — Offline Gaming? A Near Future for Electronic Play? (3)
February 2007
- 25: Word Finder, Google Earth Edition
- 25: Arduino Workshop — An Introduction To Device Art With The Arduino
- 24: The Ersatz Cylon Detector: A Hardware Sketch To Illuminate The Inner Workings of the MAX6953 Integrated Circuit (9)
- 21: Rhizome Commissions 2007-2008
- 19: Arduino Workshop Two — An Introduction To Device Art With The Arduino
- 09: When 1st Life Meets 2nd Life: The 1685 Pound Avatar and the 99 Ton Acre (5)
- 08: In Geneva
- 04: Flavonoid v.01s Notes (1)
January 2007
- 30: Time, Motion, Touch
- 28: Red Light, Green Light, Go!
- 27: Bluetooth Arduino Mini Prototype
- 27: Interdisciplinary Knowledge Production In Collaborative Research Between Artistic and Engineering Practices
- 26: World of Warcraft Bullshit Installation
- 25: Designing Culture: A Work of The Technological Imagination
- 25: DIY Media? Fan Art in Google Earth
- 25: Pico Cricket
- 23: Research Bulletin Abstract: An API For Durable Affinity
- 23: Stub For Amazon Books
- 20: Reflow Skillet (2)
- 19: Printed Circuit Board Fab Houses — A Few Reviews (12)
- 15: Spark Fun Cracks Open a Nike+
- 13: Quick Note on Touch Sensors — QT113/118
- 11: Arduino and the Two-Wire Interface (TWI/I2C) Including A Short Didactic Parenthetical On Making TWI Work On An Arduino Mini (26)
- 06: Flavonoid Notes #2
December 2006
November 2006
- 30: ALAVs 2.0
- 21: Inflatable Art
- 17: Blogjects Public Lecture (Mediamatic Amsterdam)
- 16: The Internet of Things?
October 2006
- 27: Networked Objects & The Internet of Things (2)
- 26: Lift07
- 23: Mediamatic Workshop — RFID & The Internet of Things
- 18: Libby's Lost
- 17: Near Field Interaction and the Internets of Things: Workshop Notes
- 03: My Brother's A Musician
September 2006
- 26: Picnic
- 26: The Blind Camera – Sascha Pohflepp's "Buttons" Series
- 24: CollecTic — Landscape as Interface
- 24: Between Experts and Amateurs as Original Equipment Manufacturers
- 24: AIR: Area's Immediate Reading
- 22: Arduino and the LIS3LV02DQ Triple Axis Accelerometer (62)
- 19: SXSW Panel Picker
- 17: Video Bulb
- 17: Simplicity Brick Wall
- 17: Vernor Vinge notes
- 14: What is Leisure & Entertainment 2.0?
- 10: Device Art
- 10: DIY at Foo Camp, and Why Chumby Matters
August 2006
- 29: To Do List
- 28: Touch: Nordichi RFID Workshop Papers
- 21: Summer Backyard Laboratory Experiment: Immersive Viewer Apparatus, Configuration B
- 14: Mediamatic Workshop — RFID & The Internet of Things
- 04: Summer Laboratory Experiment: Producing Stereo QuicktimeVR
- 03: Flavonoid
- 03: Geotagthings + ISEA 2006
- 03: GPS Photo Synchronization
July 2006
- 31: RES Magazine — Short Profile
- 20: The Military Industrial Light and Magic Complex: Avoiding Ender's Folly (3)
- 19: Deadline Approaching! Mobile Asia Competition 2006
- 16: Jaiku! Presence Awareness for Breakfast
- 15: Battleship:GoogleEarth (a 1st Life/2nd Life mashup) (6)
June 2006
- 30: Blogjects: Small Clarification
- 29: SLOWmail
- 23: Spam Exploits War
- 22: Nordichi Workshop Call: Near Field Interactions
- 20: Nokia 5500 Sport Phone
- 12: More Blogging Aircraft
- 12: geotagthings
- 10: Ubicomp 2006 — Call for Demos — June 16, 2006
- 10: Else/Where=Amsterdam: June 10
- 03: Blogject Presentation at Reboot
- 02: TripSense – Quick Notes (1)
- 01: reboot 8 day one
May 2006
- 30: reboot 8
- 29: Games=Art? Games=Play?
- 26: ISEA 2006 Early Bird Registration Open
- 20: Playgrounds & Games
- 19: Winning (and Losing) the First Wired War
- 17: EU Whirlwind
- 17: Augmented Objects Workshop: Ubicomp 2006 CfP
- 16: Ubicomp 2006 — Call for Demos
- 08: MSR Social Computing Symposium
- 06: Approaches To Practice
- 06: Why Games Matter?: Susana's Thesis Project
- 01: netpublics: some reactions
April 2006
- 27: NeutralNet, TCNOtopia, Automata — Video Remix for Netpublics Symposium
- 26: Else/Where Mapping
- 24: Interactive Media Division Thesis Show 2006: "dimension 9"
- 23: Digital Cinema at NAB 2006
- 21: MASSIVE Event at UCI — Why Games Matter
- 19: Making A Geospatial Web: Collaborative Cartography, Part I
- 19: How Blogjects Can Become Taxonomic Glue
- 17: Slow Mail (1)
- 11: Mobile Distraction Portals
- 09: Hey, I got it! Let's make the band pay..
- 05: Youtube and the Flash-Bang Grenade Theory of Evolution
- 03: How can software be social? (1)
March 2006
- 31: networked publics conference
- 26: Clusters that Circulate Culture — Filling Out the Ecosystem Metaphors?
- 26: Theory Objects, Pedagodgy and Practice-based Design
- 23: Notes on Saskia Sassen – 3G mobiles 'change social habits' + Creative Destruction
- 22: South Bay Round-up: IFTF, Nokia, Sun Microsystems, GDC
- 17: Theory Objects & Design Patterns
- 16: San Jose / Palo Alto / Berkeley
- 15: Report from the Blogject Workshop at LIFT06 (3)
- 14: Society of the Spectacle (2.0): Surveillance in the Internet of Things
- 14: The divide that separates people from their online lives
- 13: Armitage On Controllers — Are These Controllers What We Want To Inform Game Design? Huh?
- 13: Etech Presentation
- 08: Internet of Sticks — Now There's No Excuse Not To Get Your Spime On!
- 03: Objects That Blog Usage Scenario — No. 1 (Making Things Legible)
- 02: Mobile Phone Usage Idiom — No. 2
- 02: Mobile Phone Usage Idiom — No. 1
February 2006
- 26: Postdocs at the Annenberg Center
- 26: A Manifesto for Networked Objects — Cohabiting with Pigeons, Arphids and Aibos in the Internet of Things (13)
- 24: Super Heros become Super Common – From Web 2.0 to World 2.0
- 23: Space, Place and Things — New Rules of Tenancy Within the Internet of Things
- 17: Why Pigeons that Blog Matter, or: The Internet of Things is not an Internet of Arphids
- 09: Anatomy of an NSF Proposal Unable To Be Funded
- 08: Lift06 — Why It Is Important
- 08: Lift06 — Why It Is Important
- 07: Professionalization, Conferences, and The Circulation of Knowledge: My Years of Accumulating Rejection
- 01: Lift06 — Blogjects Workshop
January 2006
- 31: EKO's and Theory Objects, or — Why Do I Blog This? (1)
- 31: Licoppe on a Geolocated Game – The "Mobility Turn"
- 27: GAM3R 7H30RY — And Near-Future Books
- 20: Lift
- 20: UC Humanities Research Institute Sympoium — Technofutures
- 19: CHI2006 Student Design Competition
- 18: Bar Camp LA
- 17: Viewmaster of the Future
- 14: MobileScout
- 11: R/C Katamari Damacy Prince
- 11: NESTA Futurelab
- 10: "What's Your Social Doing In My Mobile?" UC Irvine Department of Informatics Talk – Friday, January 13
- 10: Culture and Consumption
- 10: Call for Entries: Turbulence New England Initiative II
- 10: Else/Where: Mapping New Cartographies of Networks And Territories
- 10: Lift
- 10: Tis The Season for Conferences
- 04: Ubicomp 2006
- 04: AJAX on Mobiles — MobileWeb2.0?
- 04: retrievr
- 04: Bones In Motion
- 04: Ubimate
- 02: Intimate Strangers
December 2005
- 27: Unfocused Interaction
- 23: Processing + GPS
- 21: Co-location and the Familiar Stranger (1)
- 21: Project Toaster – Blogjects and More
- 21: Stupid Fun Club
- 20: Mobile Social Software
- 15: Aibo Blogjects
- 14: Blogjects — Perambulation, Locale Harvesting, Presence
- 12: ISEA 2006 Workshops
- 11: Alavs Flocking Blimp Whales at Art Center College of Design
- 11: GPS + Media
- 10: y.ah.oo!
- 08: 2005 Internet Traffic Map — Telegeography
- 08: Sage Publications: New Media and Society
- 05: Motility and The Internet of Things
- 03: Marko Ahtisaari? Meet The WiFi Bedouin..
- 02: Receiver #14 Out —Thanks Vodaphone
- 01: Cell Death 2010
November 2005
- 30: SIGCHI Workshop on Mobile Social Software
- 30: Understanding Situated Social Interactions in Public Places
- 29: Syllabi
- 26: Fitness and Mobiles
- 25: Gesture Reco Mobiles
- 23: WiFi.ArtCache? Meet Processing
- 21: Thinglink? Meet the Blogject, cousin of Spime.
- 20: An Internet of Things
- 20: Pedometry
- 19: Navtones
- 19: MVNOs – Strategy for Innovation?
- 18: UN predicts 'internet of things'
- 18: Google Is The New Surveillance
- 18: Air Traffic Control, Spimes and Jerry Bruckheimer
- 18: NetMagnet — New Thoughts
- 17: Flight Aware
- 16: Google 8bits maps
- 15: Pocket Sakura
- 15: Eyebeam reBlog
- 15: Fizzees – Kinesthetics Interfaces for Health
- 15: Flight Patterns
- 14: What's the Service of LBS?
- 13: Innovation and Competitiveness: Hoping to Mitigate A Gathering Economic Storm
- 13: Anime Portable Visual Storytelling
- 11: Bluebox: Garden Game
- 11: Bird Flu Maps 3
- 11: Embrace
- 10: Periscope Project and RFID
- 10: Wal-Mart Spychip Protests
- 09: Chris Anderson – Resistance is Fertile
- 09: Collaboratory Innovation
- 09: research proposals
- 09: A List of 50 UK Mobile Hotties
- 09: Mike Davis in Conversation with Joshua Bearman, Friday, Nov 11, Venice
- 08: Pal Mickey Blogject Wannabe..
- 08: Forbes.com
- 08: Teaching Google Maps
- 07: Google + Local + Mobile
- 06: Google Maps..meet J2ME
- 06: Visualizing Wireless Usage
- 06: Sightseeing Oprah Winfrey Crop Circles with Google Satellite Maps (1)
- 06: Collectively (Collaboratively?) Defining Context
- 05: Cloud Game
- 05: Spimes that Blog? Blogjets?
- 05: Dupay Institute
- 05: Jane McGonigal
- 05: ISEA2006 CfP: Edgy Products
- 04: Wired Magazine's Chris Anderson Speaks at Annenberg Center Nov. 9
- 04: Test
- 04: Institute for Creative Technologies
- 03: South LA
- 02: Bruce Sterling: A Hardy Polemic
- 02: Image Theory Objects: Flickr Collaboratory
- 02: Evading the Sensor Nest
- 01: This continues to please me..
- 01: WYS, WIS, What We See Together
- 01: Workshop: Triggerd by RFID
- 01: LA Weekly Follow-On
- 01: Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication
October 2005
- 31: Publications (1)
- 30: conference dates and deadlines
- 30: Biography, Curriculum Vitae, Work Samples, Press, Professional Statement
- 29: What The Experts Fail To Grok About Google Maps
- 29: Ephemera Cache Game?
- 28: LA Weekly: Digital Universe
- 28: Vectors: Mobility Issue
- 28: Response to Michael Liebhold on The Geospatial Web
- 28: Michael Liebhold Talk
- 27: Candidate ISEA2006 Interactive City Projects
- 26: Mapping Networked Publics
- 26: Google Mash-Up Meets US Census Data
- 25: 2005 4S (Society for the Social Studies of Science) Conference – STS Meets New Media
- 24: Film and Videogames..again
- 23: Is This Service Design?
- 21: Royal Grand Prix Derby Racing (On Air)
- 21: Fives rules of IM
- 21: Drinks Scanning in Airport Security
- 21: BT on UA
- 20: Art Center Nabi Workshop on Urban Play and Locative Media, Day 3
- 20: Art Center Nabi Workshop on Urban Play and Locative Media, Day 2
- 19: Piedimonsterz: Kids, Kinesthetics and The Fitness Diary
- 18: Art Center Nabi Workshop on Urban Play and Locative Media, Day 1
- 17: Tiny Screen "Mobisodes"
- 17: BT Launches a Whole Range of Terribly Boring LBS Services
- 12: Frason BlueToools API Kit for .NET
- 12: Developing technology interventions to activate community spaces and public life
- 12: Graveyard Games
- 12: Locative Space
- 12: Instant Blinkenlights
- 12: The Wireless Web – Do Not Call!
- 12: iPeople
- 12: Thoughts On Web 2.0
- 11: An account of location-based games multiple play
September 2005
- 21: Marco Susani on Mobile Networks
- 09: Projects & Provocations
- 09: About
- 09: People
June 2005
March 2005
September 2003
- 02: log thoughts
- 02: 7664
- 02: phd framework
- 01: My brand
- 01: What !!!
- 01: Video Games, space and level design
- 01: Compte rendu meeting stefano
August 2003
- 29: Les crados
- 29: Post-it et street marketing
- 29: Meeting with Stefano
- 28: Cartier in Lyon
- 28: MArketing et technologies mobiles
- 28: Parler gitan / gipsy slang
- 28: Territoriality in virtual space and video games
- 28: tv tv tv tv
- 27: Sleeping in airports
- 27: Video games, Spatiality and social meanings
- 27: Une strategie pour le moins curieuse
- 27: ipaq at CRAFT
- 26: A propos de Kouchner
- 26: Organizing artefacts in space
- 26: Architecture
- 26: Spatiality and video games
- 25: Proxemics in virtual space
- 25: Freaky comments on my blog
- 25: Bo Bo Selecta !
- 25: metrolyon 🙂
- 25: Questions to address for my phd
- 25: Area to be investigated
- 22: More on schelling point
- 22: Card art
- 22: Virtual Space Nostalgia
- 22: Street Stuff in Toulouse
- 22: 7632
- 21: Bon kif : sabotage
- 21: Chanteurs morts
- 21: 7629
- 21: Incredible comment of an earlier post
- 20: Crazy lyrics !
- 20: total nonsense
- 20: Last Rand Corp report
- 20: Nerd Must Have : WiFi Sniffer
- 20: Ekahau Positioning Engine
- 20: mBlog Project
- 19: Google is a calculator !
- 19: Architecture des lab de recherche
- 19: 7619
- 18: Why do we say where we are during phone calls
- 18: Techniques de combat funky
- 18: Mobility/Immobility
- 18: Villa Vortex
- 18: Back from holiday
- 18: My stuff
- 07: Dial-a-dolphin on your mobile
- 07: Youth and spatiality !
- 07: Statistics dealer
- 06: _ ___ _ __| | | '_ /|_| __,_|-
- 06: Test
- 05: Censure
- 05: My place
- 05: 7605
- 04: Discussion avec K
- 04: Innovation and military stuff
- 04: Locative x-i
- 04: How space structure language
July 2003
- 31: Literature review
- 30: Add-on about Proximity and collaborative work
- 30: Reading Note : effects of proximity on collaboration
- 30: Proxemics
- 30: Bon del' absurde
- 29: Je kiffe le plastique
- 29: Warchalking : a new form of street art ?
- 29: IS this the future world we want to live in ?
- 29: Global Picture about social uses of space
- 29: Discussion with Pierre
- 29: Paleo Festival Nyon
- 22: Computational Nostalgia
- 22: Night Night
- 21: Geocode your gear !
- 21: Michel Foucault and Space
- 21: Mobile Phone SONAR !
- 21: Week End Leisure Activities
- 19: Job of the future
- 17: SF and Science
- 17: Changement de saikse poissoneux
- 17: Outdoor distributed computing
- 16: Stick it !!!
- 16: Surveillance is the future !
- 16: C64 is back !
- 15: Gargoyle
- 15: Que dire de plus ?
- 15: Did you say wireless ?
- 15: Utilisation de l'espace chez les jeunes
- 15: Analyse spatiale
- 15: Hulk monster willy
- 15: Pics from Paris
- 14: Space and trust
- 14: 7566
- 14: Sonic Landmarks
- 14: Lego-bots
- 14: SMS Flame War
- 14: Quote
- 14: Pierre la police
- 14: Strates socio-politiques
- 10: Workshops on The Design of Virtual Space/Place
- 10: Paper on personal space
- 10: Barcode rape
- 10: Meeting with the Megawatch team
- 10: Roberto's Masters Thesis Dissertation
- 10: Urban Outfit
- 09: Where 2 find relevant papers
- 09: Discussion avec Fab
- 09: My literature review about space
- 09: Statistiques publications
- 08: The new concept : unawareness
- 08: Interferences
- 08: Alan Kay on the future
- 08: Japanese emoticons versus common smileys
- 08: 2 visions of cyberspace
- 08: Resources about SPACE
- 08: Nice quotes
- 08: Nourritures de l'esprit
- 08: Flash Mob
- 08: Chose venue de la mer
- 07: Psychogeography in Lyon
- 07: Supermurgeman
- 07: Potential phD Research topic (345)
- 07: Position Paper
- 03: Movies spatial maps
- 03: Jean Baudrillard / The Matrix
- 03: Lausanne Pictures
- 03: Remapping the local with mobile phones
- 03: MObile phone and subway
- 03: Phd thesis topic (3)
- 03: Another phd topic
- 02: Great things can happen when you move beyond the bullet point
- 02: Awareness about direction
- 02: Meeting with my phd director
- 02: Socio-cognitive functions of space in collaborative settings
- 02: Spaceminers (2)
- 02: ASCII MOvies
- 01: Lab experiment
- 01: 2find
- 01: Trip urbain : parkour
- 01: Schelling Point… still 🙂
- 01: Interaction analysis about space
- 01: 7516
June 2003
- 30: Gosh ! My ventilator killed himself
- 30: Collaborative mechanisms
- 30: Meeting with my phd advsisor
- 30: Virtual cities are always empty
- 30: Nerd existensialism
- 30: 7510
- 30: St Etienne stuff
- 30: What is Collaboration ?
- 30: Stuff about space
- 30: All Families are Psychotic
- 27: Riot cat….
- 26: Space, SMS and coordination
- 25: Quotes from Douglas Coupland
- 25: 7502
- 25: Facts about GMO
- 24: Awareness Tools and Video Games
- 24: Blog burst
- 24: 7498
- 23: AngoisseDistress !!!!
- 23: Reading notes
- 23: Spatial Grounding and mobile phones
- 23: A lire sur l'espace
- 23: Definitions abour Social Nets
- 23: Reading note
- 23: Telephone 🙂
- 23: COiffure styley
- 19: Skateboarding, Architecture and Space
- 19: Research on Place and Space
- 19: Henri Lefebvre : All interact in social spatializations
- 19: About mobile studies
- 19: CSCL 2003 : a brief report
- 19: http://www.colloquia.ch/
- 19: Experiment
- 19: Nice quote
- 18: moblogging for what ?
- 17: Mobile scenarios to be developped
- 16: do technology suck ?
- 16: Skills2learn .:;
- 16: Count Zero (William Gibson)
- 14: Thoughts about awareness
- 14: CSCL 2003 : Bergen
- 12: William Gibson's Cyberspace Definition
- 12: Le placard de la salle de bains
- 12: GRAME : music and computer science
- 12: M83
- 12: The bell curve goes flat (2)
- 12: On-line social life
- 11: Mobilearn COnference
- 11: the place of my dream ?
- 11: LA CGT des artistes trash qui s'ignorent
- 10: Glen Baxter
- 10: 7463
- 06: Nouvelle forme de tourisme urbain
- 06: Mobile Game
- 05: Personal use of space
- 05: Guernica
- 04: A lire sur l'attribution
- 04: Approche recherche
- 03: Definitions
- 03: Nerd stuff : lonely island
- 03: Critics on social software
- 03: SLOG
- 03: A new cell phone function
- 03: Punk Spirit
- 02: Douglas Coupland's Generation X Neo-logisms
- 02: Research about SMS
- 02: 7447
- 02: Michelin Lifestyle
- 02: Spatial Grounding
- 02: Project Hive
May 2003
- 28: ICNEE Conference in Luzern
- 22: My phd ideas
- 22: Visualisation sociale
- 22: Psy-Geo-Conflux 2003
- 22: Definitions about social space
- 22: My talk at ICNEE
- 21: Public Machines's LAW
- 21: 7436
- 21: Urban Condition
- 20: Wires
- 20: Background Awareness
- 20: Architecture
- 20: Questions I should adress :
- 20: Mobile Texting fosters new technosocial situations
- 20: About Awareness Tools and Disney
- 19: Mobile Stuff for Sex
- 19: Nerd's Existentialism
- 19: 7426
- 19: 7425
- 15: Does The Bell curve go flat ?
- 15: The small-world phenomenon
- 15: My psychogeographical plan for tomorow
- 15: New extreme street sport
- 15: Maja Engeli
- 15: Rem Koolhas
- 14: SMS Game
- 14: Train Thoughts
- 14: Wireless Notebook
- 14: Rummie and his awareness tools
- 13: My work this week
- 13: Alba
- 13: 7412
- 12: LBS
- 07: Awareness of Presence on Multi-Player Games
- 07: Buddyspace and Marc Eisenstadt
- 06: I googled you !
- 06: Defining scenario for the EPFL learning center
- 06: Minimal art
- 05: About social mapping
- 05: Recherche a propos d'Awareness Tool
- 05: Art Deco Pics
- 05: Sit and surf: MSN UK tests portable potty
- 02: New flat, new office
- 02: William Gibson
- 01: Mobile phones impacts on time/space
- 01: Mobile Stuff !
- 01: WIFI and truck drivers
- 01: RSS
April 2003
- 30: About JDR
- 30: A new track : augmenting guy debord's derive
- 29: 7393
- 29: Humour absurde
- 28: Desktop Subversibles
- 28: WATCH IT !
- 28: SMS and WAP stats
- 21: Afrofuturism
- 17: Evaluating Collaboration
- 16: Discussion with my phD director
- 16: Weblogs, awareness and transactive memory
- 14: Mobile Phones Profiles
- 14: 7383
- 10: Cognitive functions tu support Collaborative Work
- 10: Misceallanous Stuff
- 10: Submitted Paper for International Conference on Groupware
- 09: Stuff about Social Space
- 08: The VCR watches TV for you !
- 08: Does WiFi technology suck ?
- 07: Graffiti of Otaku Generation
- 04: Yesterday…
- 03: Today's todolist 🙂
- 03: Social Navigation
- 03: Misc stuff about mobile devices
- 02: Why using a blog ?
- 02: Augmenting socio-cognitive interactions
- 01: Virtual Communities and social network